Library Media Center

  • Welcome to our Media Center!

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    Below you will find information on our hours, policies, and other helpful tools. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Mudra and Ms. Wright.



    7:30am - 2:45 p.m.
    Monday - Friday


    1. Passes are required before and during school hours.
    2. Books may be checked out for 3 weeks.
    3. A total of 3 books may be checked out at any given time.
    4. Reference material may not be checked out unless it is marked for over-night only check-out.
    5. Computers are available for school-related purposes only!
    6. You may print or copy 2 pages for free. Any additional page will cost $0.10. Pictures cost more due to ink usage.

    Our Mission

    The Mission of the Hawthorne Middle/High School Library Program is to make life long readers; insure critical thinking skills concerning media literacy; develop skills to select, evaluate, and use information appropriately and effectively; use technology skills to analyze and organize, as well as, create products that express new understandings.

School Library Catalog