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January 7, 2025 Announcements

It’s a great day to be a Newberry Panther! 🐾
Here are the announcements for Tuesday, January 7th:
REMINDER: NHS is a closed campus and students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch. Additionally, students may not have food dropped off or delivered to them at campus. Students are not allowed to bring Polar Cups or “to go” cups to campus. Water bottles are encouraged and we have several bottle filling stations around campus.
We are hosting a College Fair on Tuesday (January 14th) from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm in the NHS Gymnasium. All area high school students and their parents are invited to attend this event, and prior registration is not required. Visit the NHS website for more information: Make sure to speak with your NHS Guidance Counselor if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you then!
For anyone interested in trying out for Baseball: Conditioning and arm care workouts started yesterday and will be held everyday this week right after school down at the NHS Baseball Field. Baseball tryouts will be held on Monday (January 13th) right after school at the field. You must have your physical and athletic clearance completed before being eligible to try out.
Students, please remember that even though it is getting cooler outside blankets are not allowed at school. Also, you must still follow all dress code policies, including not wearing pajamas, slippers, or any type of head coverings. If you have any questions, please see Dean Burford or Dean Hines.
The Freshmen SGA will meet before school on Wednesday (January 8th) at 8:00 am in the NHS Media Center.
The National Honor Society will meet on Wednesday (January 8th) before school at 8:10 am in Mrs. Troy’s classroom.
Representatives from the Santa Fe Achieve Program will be back in the NHS Media Center on Wednesday (January 8th). Make sure to stop by and get more information if you are interested in this fantastic program. Visit their website for more information about this opportunity:
Representatives from the US Army are scheduled to be on the NHS campus on Wednesday (January 8th) during Lunch A and Lunch B to provide information about military service after graduation. Make sure to stop by if you’d like to receive information.
Lady Panthers, if you are interested in trying out for the tennis team this year, there will be an informational meeting before school on Thursday (January 9th) at 8:15 am in Mr. Marlowe’s classroom.
There will be an information meeting for any girls interested in playing Flag Football for NHS this Thursday (January 9th) in the NHS Commons Area during both Lunch A and Lunch B. If you have any questions, make sure to see Coach Hughes.
Softball tryouts will be held promptly at 3:30 pm on Tuesday (January 21st) at the NHS Softball Field. Any girls interested in trying out for the NHS softball program will need to have all physical and participation forms completed prior to the tryout date. If the appropriate forms are not complete, you may not try out. Forms can be found in the NHS Front Office and online. Please bring all equipment needed to run, field, catch, throw, and hit. If you have any additional questions, see Mrs. Coach Roundtree.
We are committed to the success of ALL our students! Panthers, please remember the Panther way to Success:
*Be Reliable - Maintain consistency with what you say and do
*Be Respectful - Show consideration of someone or something
*Be Responsible - Be dependable, keep promises, and honor commitments
Tardies: Tardies impact school success and student behavior, are a distraction to all students, and cause a disruption in teaching. Make sure you’re on time every day, to every class. Excessive tardies may result in lunch detention or ISD.
Students, please remember to check your school email accounts every day for important announcements and reminders. Remember, if you are having trouble or have questions about anything at all, turn to an adult. And please, if you see something, say something ( “Always remember, Shepp loves the kids!”