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January 31, 2025 Announcements
It’s a great day to be a Newberry Panther! 

Here are the announcements for Friday, January 31st:
Any Juniors and Seniors who are interested in attending the Santa Fe College Careers In Construction Day on Thursday (February 13th), make sure to stop by the NHS Guidance Office to pick up a field trip form. The bus will transport students to Santa Fe College in the morning and return them to NHS at its conclusion. Lunch is also provided for students who participate. Space is limited, so make sure you pick up your form today!
Seniors, if you put a deposit down for Grad Bash at Universal Studios, it is now time to pay off any remaining balance owed. Please see Mr. Marlowe no later than February 14th in order to keep your seat!
Representatives from the Santa Fe Achieve Program will be back in the NHS Media Center on Monday (February 3rd). Make sure to stop by and get more information if you are interested in this fantastic program. Visit their website for more information about this opportunity:
The Sophomore SGA will meet before school on Tuesday (February 4th) at 8:00 am in Mrs. Troy’s classroom.
Representatives from the US Marine Corps are scheduled to be on the NHS campus on Tuesday (February 4th) during Lunch A and Lunch B to provide information about military service after graduation. Make sure to stop by if you’d like to receive information.
The Spanish Club will hold a meeting after school on Tuesday (February 4th) from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm in Seňora Santiago’s classroom. Te esperamos!
The Freshmen SGA will meet before school on Wednesday (February 5th) at 8:00 am in the NHS Media Center.
The National Honor Society will meet on Wednesday (February 5th) before school at 8:10 am in Mrs. Troy’s classroom.
Representatives from Jostens will be on the NHS Campus during Lunch A and Lunch B on Wednesday (February 5th) to distribute class rings that were previously ordered. Make sure to stop by and get yours!
An information meeting will be held in Mrs. De Vries’ classroom after school on Wednesday (February 5th) for anyone interested in participating in a theater production. Don’t be late!
We hope you find these Daily Announcements a useful resource for the happenings at NHS. These posts are also shared on our NHS website ( and remain available there for the entire school year. Don’t forget to visit the NHS Student Information Center ( for information regarding NHS activities and events, testing, and graduation requirements, as well as assistance with post-secondary plans.
We are committed to the success of ALL our students! Panthers, please remember the Panther way to Success:
*Be Reliable - Maintain consistency with what you say and do
*Be Respectful - Show consideration of someone or something
*Be Responsible - Be dependable, keep promises, and honor commitments
Dress Code: Make sure your school attire is appropriate and not distracting. You may not wear baggy/saggy pants and bottoms will not be shorter than “mid thigh”. Tops must cover the midriff, back, and sides of the body at all times. You may not wear bedroom slippers or shoes with wheels. Head coverings of any kind are not permitted to be worn inside. Failure to follow the dress code guidelines may result in lunch detention.
Students, please remember to check your school email accounts every day for important announcements and reminders. Remember, if you are having trouble or have questions about anything at all, turn to an adult. And please, if you see something, say something ( “Always remember, Shepp loves the kids!”