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August 14, 2024 Announcements
It’s a great day to be a Newberry Panther! 

Here are the announcements for Wednesday, August 14th:
Panthers, don't forget to bring your laptop and charging cord to school EVERY DAY. These laptops provide important access to digital textbooks and assist students in transitioning between classwork, testing, and homework. (If your laptop has stopped working or has other operational issues, please bring it on the first day of school so the NHS Site Tech, Mr. Phillips, can investigate and diagnose any issues.)
There will be an interest meeting immediately after school on Friday (August 16th) in Mrs. Wilson’s classroom regarding the Debate Club. If you are interested in joining the Debate Club, or would like more information about it, please make sure to stop by.
There will be an information meeting after school on Thursday (August 15th) at 3:00 pm in Dr. Woods’ classroom for any girls interested in playing golf.
Preseason workouts will begin after school on Tuesday (August 20th) for any girls interested in becoming a Lady Panther basketball player. Please remember you must have a current physical on file in order to participate. Please see Coach Roundtree if you have any questions.
We want all our Panthers to remember the Panther way to Success:
*Be Reliable - Maintain consistency with what you say and do
*Be Respectful - Show consideration of someone or something
*Be Responsible - Be dependable, keep promises, and honor commitments
Phones and Headphones: These must be off and out of sight during class, unless your teacher gives specific permission for use. Cell phones, earbuds, airpods, headphones, and other electronic devices are only permitted to be in use before and after school, and during lunch periods. Students who have any types of these devices out when not permitted may receive disciplinary action.
Students, please remember to check your school email accounts every day for important announcements and reminders. Remember, if you are having trouble or have questions about anything at all, turn to an adult. And please, if you see something, say something ( “Always remember, Shepp loves the kids!”