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December 17, 2024 Announcements
It’s a great day to be a Newberry Panther! 

Here are the announcements for Tuesday, December 17th:
REMINDER: NHS is a closed campus and students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch. Additionally, students may not have food dropped off or delivered to them at campus. Students are not allowed to bring Polar Cups or “to go” cups to campus. Water bottles are encouraged and we have several bottle filling stations around campus.
Panthers, semester exams will continue tomorrow with 2nd period and 5th period exams. EVERY CLASS will administer a semester exam this week, so be prepared and on time! Your lunch time will be determined by your 5th period teacher, so make sure you know when to eat lunch tomorrow. Please minimize late check ins and early check outs to avoid the disruptions to classes. Remember that semester exams can count toward a significant portion of the semester grades.
The Freshmen SGA will meet before school tomorrow at 8:00 am in the NHS Media Center.
The NHS Book Club will hold a meeting after school tomorrow from 3:00 pm until 5:00 pm in Ms. Talkington’s classroom in the Science Building. All are welcome!
Representatives from the US Army are scheduled to be on the NHS campus tomorrow during Lunch A and Lunch B to provide information about military service after graduation. Make sure to stop by if you’d like to receive information.
Representatives from the Santa Fe Achieve Program will be back in the NHS Media Center tomorrow. Make sure to stop by and get more information if you are interested in this fantastic program. Visit their website for more information about this opportunity:
The FCA will have a meeting this Friday (December 20th) before school at 8:10 am in the NHS Gym. If you’d like to become involved, make sure to stop by!
Please remember that Friday (December 20th) and Monday (January 6th) will be normal school days to make up for the school closures due to the Hurricanes Helene and Milton.
We are committed to the success of ALL our students! Panthers, please remember the Panther way to Success:
*Be Reliable - Maintain consistency with what you say and do
*Be Respectful - Show consideration of someone or something
*Be Responsible - Be dependable, keep promises, and honor commitments
Phones and Headphones: These must be off and out of sight during class, unless your teacher gives specific permission for use. Cell phones, earbuds, airpods, headphones, and other electronic devices are only permitted to be in use before and after school, and during lunch periods. Students who have any types of these devices out when not permitted may receive disciplinary action.
Students, please remember to check your school email accounts every day for important announcements and reminders. Remember, if you are having trouble or have questions about anything at all, turn to an adult. And please, if you see something, say something ( “Always remember, Shepp loves the kids!”