My Portal (EduTone)
Online Resources are all available through My Portal.
Audio Book Cloud is an online audio book library collection. You have unlimited streaming access to the entire collection. Just click and listen.
BrainPop and BrainPop Jr. are a group of educational websites with over 1,000 short animated movies for students in grades K-12 (ages 6 to 17), together with quizzes and related materials, covering the subjects of science, social studies, English, mathematics, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.
CommonLit delivers high-quality, free instructional materials to support literacy development for students in grades 3-12. Our resources are flexible, research-based, aligned to the Common Core State Standards, and are created by teachers, for teachers.
Discovery Education Provides videos,interactive lessons, homework help, and virtual experiences designed to help students research topics of interest and complete teacher assignments.
Gale Jr. Ed is a research site with thousands of articles on many areas of interest.
Khan Academy is a set of short lessons in the form of YouTube videos that help educate students.
PBS Learning Media offers phonemic awareness skills games and bilingual games.
Pearson Learning provides students access to their online textbooks.
The Learning Network offers rich and imaginative materials for teaching and learning using New York Times content.They offer new educational resources based on the articles, photographs, videos, illustrations, podcasts and graphics published in The New York Times – all for free.
TumbleBook Cloud is an online collection of eBooks and read-along chapter books, non-fiction books, graphic novels, educational videos, and audio books! This database is a great option for adventurTumblous readers.
World Book is a full encyclopedia resource.
This handout explains all Elementary myPortal resources.