Grading Scale Primary (Grades 1-2)

  • Idylwild Elementary adheres to the district Pupil Progression Plan Elementary Grading Scale.


    100 = E+                  Excellent
    90 - 99 = E
    80 - 89 = S+            Satisfactory
    75 - 79 = S
    70 - 74 = S-
    60 - 69 = N              Needs Improvement

    0 - 59 = U                Unsatisfactory

Grading Scale  Intermediate (Grades 3-5)

  • Idylwild Elementary adheres to the district Pupil Progression Plan Elementary Grading Scale.


    100 = A+                    Outstanding
    93 - 99 = A
    87 - 89 = B+
    80 - 86 = B                 Above Average
    77 - 79 = C+
    70 - 76 = C                 Average
    67 - 69 = D+
    60 - 66 = D                 Lowest Acceptable
    0 - 59 = F                   Failure

Grading Scale (Kindergarten)

  • Kindergarten children are expected to demonstrate the following:
    Personal and Social Habits
    • Works and plays with others willingly and cooperatively
    • Shows respect toward children and adults
    • Tries to solve own problems appropriately
    • Follows school and class rules
    • Assumes responsibility for school and personal property
    • Stays on task
    • Is able to share and take turns
    • Uses materials appropriately and returns when finished
    • Listens without interrupting or distracting others
    When using manipulatives student is able to:
    • Copy and complete a pattern
    • Create a pattern with up to 3 elements
    • Put objects in groups by color, size, or shape
    • Sort a group of objects in more than one way
    • Determine which object is longer, shorter, larger, and smaller
    • Order a set of objects long to short, short to long
    • Tell which objects come 1st to 5th
    • Create sets showing more, less, and equal
    • Instantly recognize sets of objects to 5
    • Count objects with 1 to 1 correspondence
    • Order numbers 0 to 10
    • Find possible solutions to simple story problems
    • Interpret simple graphs
    • Identify 10 basic colors
    • Identify 4 basic shapes
    • Name numerals to 10
    • Write numerals to 10
    • Recognize penny, nickel, dime, and quarter
    Language Arts
    Speaks in complete sentences
    Listens attentively to stories read aloud
    Follows verbal instructions
    Follows print left-right, top-bottom
    Points to words as teacher reads them in a written text
    Memorizes a simple rhyme, poem, or song
    Identifies words seen over and over in familiar stories, rhymes, songs, or poems
    Chooses reading or writing activities on his / her own
    Uses letters to represent words or messages writing independently
    Uses beginning sounds to represent words or messages
    Reads or tells about own writing
    Names upper case letters
    Names lower case letters
    Knows most beginning sounds
    Writes first name using capital and lower case letters