Idylwild Student Services

  • School Counselor

    Welcome back to school Idylwild families!  I hope you had a great summer and you're ready to start the year off on the right track!  I am Mrs. Kilbourn your  School Counselor this year and I am looking forward to working with families in order to foster and strengthen emotional and social health here at Idylwild. New this year is the addition of a part time School Counselor Mrs. Shannon.  She will be very familiar to our longtime families since she was the previous school counselor.  So Welcome Back Ms. Shannon

     I will be working with students and families on Gifted screening and referrals, 504 Plans, EPTs, as well as group and individual counseling.  I will also be going into the classrooms to do character education lessons and work with your children on appropriate behaviors and social skills.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's social and emotional well being.