Overview of Alachua eSchool Elementary

  • Alachua eSchool is a free, public virtual school operated by Alachua County Public Schools.  Alachua eSchool offers high quality, technology-based education to K-5 students living in Alachua County.

    Highly qualified Alachua County teachers deliver curriculum via the Canvas learning management system to Alachua County students. Students receive individualized instruction utilizing the Internet, email, telephone, online collaboration and face-to-face forums. Alachua County teachers, students and parents have full access to the expertise and experience in what really makes online instruction work.

    Alachua County teachers communicate individually with students and parents on a regular basis via phone, email, and other forums. Parental involvement and support are key elements for student success in the online environment.

    Qualities of Successful Virtual School Students and Families

    The Alachua eSchool (AES) is designed to maximize student success.  The parent, or Learning Coach (LC), is a critical component to the successful academic experience of any student, but particularly so for students who are learning in a virtual setting.  The LC plays an active part in the day-to-day learning of each student.  This responsibility can be tiring and challenging at times, but the rewards of parent participation in the education process are great.

    As soon as students enroll in the school, they begin taking on the responsibility for learning and academic achievements.  To get the most out of virtual learning, each student has the obligation to engage in all lessons and activities, ask questions, stay focused, work diligently, identify weaknesses, and build on strengths. 

    To experience the greatest accomplishment and highest achievement in a virtual learning setting, the following qualities, behaviors, and commitment must be present:

    Successful AES Students

    • Understand that their parents and teachers are their support systems.
    • Always present their very best effort to their Learning Guide (parent) and teacher.
    • Are self-motivated, self-disciplined, and able to work independently and persistently for a period of time that is developmentally appropriate (1 minute per year of age)
    • Manage time well
    • Set goals and strive to meet those goals
    • Appreciate the validity of pride and trust (integrity)
    • Maintain academic integrity by submitting only their own work, not that of the Learning Guide or other family member.  Agree that no work will be plagiarized from other sources.  Agree to complete all tests independently with no assistance.
    • Agree to spend an adequate amount of time each day to master the objectives for at least one lesson in each subject.
    • Agree to submit all required assignments to their teacher within the designated timeframe.
    • Are able to attend and actively participate in all scheduled live classes and online threaded discussions.
    • Have convenient and frequent access to a computer with Internet connection.
    • Agree to complete all of the online daily checkpoints as each lesson is completed.
    • Are available during usual business hours to attend virtual classes and respond to phone calls or other communication from their teachers.
    • Are willing to ask questions and seek help when they don’t understand.

    Supportive Learning Coaches:

    • Are able and willing to work directly with their student 4-6 hours daily to ensure consistent progress
    • Agree to be responsible for promoting and reinforcing good learning habits
    • Maintain a gentle, patient, and calm demeanor when the student has questions or begins to show frustration
    • Attend online orientation and other information sessions
    • Agree to log the instructional/educational hours each day as directed to record attendance.
    • Ensure that students attend to their studies by completing at least one lesson in each subject each day as defined by the online scheduler.
    • Ensure that their students are adequately supervised during the day.
    • Provide an adequate study area equipped with the appropriate tools for each student.
    • Ensure that Internet connections are available and maintained for the duration of the student’s enrollment.
    • Manage time effectively
    • Complete and return all required forms and complete all required assessments in a timely and prompt manner
    • Ensure that their contact information is kept current and communicate any changes to the Alachua eSchool office.
    • Respond to email and phone messages from the school within 24 hours to ensure the timeliness of all communications.
    • Maintain a working phone number which can be used by teachers and the school office for regular contact.
    • Agree to allow their student to participate in the annual state assessment program, and will make all necessary travel arrangements to ensure that their students attend and complete the assessment.
    • Read all introductory material and ensure that the student follows the guidelines outlined in the beginning of the course.
    • Maintain appropriate pace in all courses as indicated by the scheduler calendar
    • Ensure safe, productive, and legal use of the Internet.
    • Alert the Supervising Teacher when student struggles with a concept.
    • Confer with the certified supervising teacher on a biweekly basis at a minimum.
    • Communicate legibly and coherently in writing.