School Counseling

  • The school counselor delivers services through a variety of methods including individual counseling, small group counseling, classroom
    guidance, consultation, and coordination.


    Classroom Guidance

    Large group guidance covers a broad spectrum of topics in academic, personal/social, and career domains.  The goal of large group guidance is to address the developmental needs of all students.

    Classroom Guidance curriculum organized by grade level:

    • Kindergarten - DUSO: Discovering Understanding of Self & Others.  DUSO is a dolphin puppet who visits each K classroom each week.  He teaches classroom discussion and problem-solving skills through weekly stories about his friends. 
    • Safer, Smarter Kids is an abuse prevention curriculum implemented statewide by the 2011 Florida Legislature to empower students to protect themselves. Through interactive videos with Lauren and her dog Buddy, classroom activities, and take-home materials, students will learn safety awareness, self-esteem development, body boundaries, how to listen to their “Guiding Voice”, how to access help from “Grown-Up Buddies,” and the difference between safe and unsafe secrets. Learn more about Safer, Smarter Kids at
    • First Grade - Fuzzy: Fuzzy belongs to the Ready to Learn curriculum that is the first step towards the 3rd grade Ready for Success and the 4th grade Student Success Skills curriculums.  Fuzzy has great difficulties listening and learning and is in grave danger of never being able to build his cocoon and become a butterfly.  Fortunately, his mom has good friends who are willing to help out by teaching Fuzzy learning strategies.  Fuzzy learns to pay attention, listen, ask questions, and keep trying. Eventually Fuzzy is able to be a leader in the butterfly community.  By the end of 1st grade, teachers and parents should expect students to do all four of the things that Fuzzy can do as a good learner.  Find out more about Ready to Learn at
    • Second Grade - Second Step 1-3: A research-based violence prevention curriculum that teaches students to first recognize feelings, then to empathize and finally to problem solve.  Skills are taught and discussed using pictured scenarios and practiced through role-playing.  Learn more about Second Step at
    • Third Grade - Ready for Success: This well-researched curriculum teaches students about the 7 Keys to Success:  Classwork completion, Homework completion, Memory skills, Calming techniques, Encouraging things to say & do, Healthy eating, and Exercise.  Students rate themselves on each skill every lesson and set goals for self-improvement.  Students who complete this curriculum know how to be part of a "fun, caring and encouraging classroom where everyone learns and is successful."  Find out more about Ready for Success at
    • Fourth Grade - Student Success Skills: is a grade 4-12 evidence-based model that helps students develop key cognitive, social and self-management skills.  The Student Success Skills program is directed at students' day-to-day development and the implementation and monitoring of skills and strategies aimed at improving their academic and social competence.  Find out more about Student Success Skills at
    • Fifth Grade - Second Step 4-5:  A research-based violence prevention curriculum that teaches students to first recognize feelings, then to empathize and finally to problem solve.  Skills are taught and discussed using pictured scenarios and practiced through role-playing.  Learn more about Second Step at

     Small-Group Counseling

    Small group counseling is an opportunity for students to work together to explore ideas, attitudes, and behaviors, in order to develop academically and socially. Groups are usually organized through referral or identification of a common area for growth.

    Small group counseling available for students:
    - Academic Success
    - Bullying
    - Crisis
    - Friendship
    - Motivation
    - Social Skills
    - Study Skills
    - Transitioning Families
    - Transitioning to a New School

     Individual Counseling

    Counseling is provided on an individual basis for students experiencing issues coping with relationships, personal concerns or normal developmental tasks. Individual counseling assists students in identifying problems, causes, alternative and possible consequences so they can take appropriate action. Individual school counseling is short-term in nature  When necessary, referrals are made to local community counseling resources.

     Consultation and Coordination

    Our school counselor consults and collaborates with parents, guardians, teachers, other educators and community agencies regarding strategies to assist students and families.

Emergency Hotlines

  • Florida Abuse Registry (800) 962-2873

    Al-Anon & Alateen (888) 425-2666

    Suicide Crisis Hotline (800) 784-2433

    Runaway Hotline (800) 786-2929

    Missing & Exploited Children Hotline (800) 843-5678