Title I Information
Our school-related Title I documents are listed on this page and available for download. Additional information can be found at our district Title I site.
Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is the largest federally funded educational program. This program, authorized by Congress, provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentrations of poverty to meet school educational goals.
Title I Programs (Part A of PL 107-334 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001), provide funds to districts in order to assist schools with the highest levels of economically disadvantaged youngsters to:
1. improve in student achievement for all participating children,
2. improve staff development and
3. improve parental and community involvement.In accordance with federal law, funds are allocated directly to schools to work toward these three goals. In this district, all schools falling above 35% of their K-5 membership eligible for a free or reduced price meal receive funds.
Funds are allocated on a per qualifying child (child with free or reduced price meal status) basis. Federal law requires that a district not use Title I funds to offset expenses to a Title I school that would normally be paid by other sources if Title I funds were not available.
Title 1 Documents
2023-2024 District Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Plan
2023-2024 District Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan - Signed in English - Ocred.pdf 31.68 KB (Last Modified on October 26, 2023)