Welcome to the Academy of Criminal Justice
The Academy of Criminal Justice is a Career Academy Magnet program located on the campus of Newberry High School. We are an award-winning and four-time state championship magnet program established for students who are interested in pursuing technical training for a career in the legal profession, law enforcement, court systems, or corrections.
The Academy of Criminal Justice is taught in partnership with the Criminal Justice Program at Santa Fe Community College. An Articulation Agreement between the two institutions enables students who complete the course work in the Academy of Criminal Justice at Newberry High School, with a 2.5, to enter the Criminal Justice Program at Santa Fe Community College, and receive exemptions from certain courses. The Academy of Criminal Justice is a Florida Gold Seal vocational scholarship program. There are also scholarships endowed by the State Attorney's Office, Gainesville Police Department, and the Alachua County Sheriff's Office that are available only to graduates of the Academy.
Students in the Academy take all academic course requirements for graduation as well as specialized courses within the Academy, such as constitutional law, criminal law, criminal procedures, judicial process, law enforcement, juvenile justice, self-defense, patrol techniques, and traffic accident investigation.
While enrolled in the Academy, students perform a total of 75 community service hours. The student receives hands-on experience in the field of Law Enforcement or with the Alachua County Teen Court Program, serving as jurors, lawyers, or bailiffs. Another criminal justice agency may be substituted for community services, with approval from the program director. Participation in these programs will further the education and training of the academy student.
If you have questions that are specific to the Academy of Criminal Justice, please contact Mr. Patrick Treese at treesepj (@gm.sbac.edu).
CJ Information

Academy of Criminal Justice

CJ Competition 23-24

Acadmey of Criminal Justice Program Information
Please read all of the following information prior to applying to the Academy of Criminal Justice. Contact the program Director, Patrick Treese (treesepj @gm.sbac.edu) via email with any questions. This program will prepare you for a future in a legal or law enforcement-related career.
Benefits of CJ:
- Foundation for future in legal or law enforcement career
- Industry certification
- Earn college credits with grade of B or better on exit exam
- Qualify for Bright Futures Scholarship
- No major referrals
- Maximum 10 unexcused absences
- 2.5 GPA (unweighted)
- Be self-motivated, with a high interest in the criminal justice field
- Possess exemplary self-discipline
- Obtain parental consent and support
- Live in the Alachua County School District
What to be expected during the course of this four year program:
- Students must sign an honor code policy and the academy contract.
- Successful completion is a grade C or higher each semester.
- Attendance is critical
Florida Bright Future Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship criteria:
- 3.0 Weighted Academic GPA
- Complete 3 courses in the same CTE Pathway with an unweighted 3.5 GPA
- 30 Volunteer Hours
- ACT: Reading 19, English 17, Math 19 or SAT: Reading 24, Writing and Language 25, Math 24
- Covers 100% of program of study up to 72 hours for an AS, AAS, CCV, PSAV or 60 hours of ATD
A huge thank you to Sheriff Clovis Watson Jr. and ASO for the generous donation of a new patrol car!