• Welcome Class of 2028!

Open House / Expo

  • The Newberry High School Academy of Criminal Justice will host the IN-PERSON Open House and Expo 

    As always, all events and activities for the Open House and Expo will be conducted outside with in-person participation. The Law Enforcement Expo will begin at 6:00 pm and the Open House will start at 7:00 pm. Please make plans to come out and see all that our program has to offer, speak with our Academy Director (Officer Patrick Treese) as well as current and former Academy students, and look into the career opportunities which can become available after completion of the Academy of Criminal Justice program.

    There will be many professionals at the Expo highlighting career opportunities in the field of criminal justice with whom you will have the opportunity to speak. Some examples of past participants are:

    • Alachua County Sheriff's Office
      • Air 1
      • SWAT Bearcat
      • SWAT Rook
      • Bomb Truck
      • Motor Units
      • K9 Unit
      • Dive Team
    • Gainesville Police Department
      • Forensics Unit
      • SWAT Team
      • K9 Unit
      • Motor Units
      • Explorers
    • High Springs Police Department
      • K9 Unit
      • Traffic Unit
    • Alachua Police Department
      • Traffic Unit
      • Motor Unit
    • Florida Wildlife Commission
      • Water Unit
    • University of Florida Police Department
      • Forensics Unit
      • Community Services
      • Motor Unit
    • Department of Corrections
      • K9 Bloodhounds
      • Recruiting
    • Medical Examiner's Office
      • ME's Van
    • ASPCA 
      • Van
    • Santa Fe College Police Department
      • Traffic Unit
    • Santa Fe College Institute of Public Safety
      • Recruiting Table

    Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to look into your possible future!

Shadow Days

  • At this time, "Shadow Days" are scheduled on the following dates and times, so you can have an opportunity to take a peek into a day at Newberry High School and the Criminal Justice program:

    • Thursday, January 18, 2024
      • 8:30 am - 11:30 am for students NOT ATTENDING Oak View Middle School

    • Friday, January 19, 2024
      • 8:30 am - 11:30 am for students ATTENDING Oak View Middle School

    Your assigned Shadow Day is based on your CURRENT school enrollment.

    ***We can not accommodate requests for alternate dates***


    Please use the following link to complete the Class of 2028 NHS Academy of Criminal Justice "Shadow Day"  if you would like the opportunity to participate in a Shadow Day at Newberry High School. The form to request participation in Shadow Day will be available on January 4, 2024 and all Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, January 12, 2024. If your eligibility to participate is confirmed and your request to attend a Shadow Day is approved, you will receive a welcoming email with additional information and an admission ticket no later than Tuesday, January 16, 2024.

    RULES AND CONDITIONS: You must agree to the following Rules and Conditions for your child to participate in a Shadow Day:

    1. The student must have a minimum unweighted GPA of 2.5, less than ten unexcused absences, and not have behavior referrals
    2. The student must have personal transportation to and from Newberry High School (arriving by 8:30 am and leaving by 11:30 am). Students can not remain on the NHS campus past 11:30 am.
    3. The student's attire must meet ACPS dress code on Shadow day.

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

School Visit: High Springs Community School

  • HIGH SPRINGS COMMUNITY SCHOOL STUDENTS: We are excited to announce that the Director and student Officers of our Academy of Criminal Justice will be at your school on Wednesday, January 10th, to visit with 8th grade students and share information about our magnet program for the 2024-2025 school year enrollment. Please also make a note of the following important dates:
    "Shadow Day" is scheduled for Thursday, January 18th (8:30 am until 11:30 am) so you can have an opportunity to take a peek into a day at Newberry High School. This date is based on your CURRENT school enrollment and we cannot accommodate requests for alternate dates. The deadline to sign up to participate is Friday, January 12th, using this link: Class of 2028 NHS Academy of Criminal Justice "Shadow Day".
    “Open House / Expo” will be held on Thursday, January 11th (6:00 pm until 8:00 pm) so you can see all our program has to offer, speak with our Academy Director (Officer Patrick Treese) as well as current and former Academy students, and look into the career opportunities which can become available after completion of the Academy of Criminal Justice program. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to look into your possible future!
    Additional information about our magnet program can be found on the Newberry High School website: https://www.sbac.edu/Page/18644.

School Visit: Oak View Middle School

  • OAK VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS: We are excited to announce that the Director and student Officers of our Academy of Criminal Justice will be at your school on Tuesday, January 9th, to visit with 8th grade students and share information about our magnet program for the 2024-2025 school year enrollment. Please also make a note of the following important dates:
    "Shadow Day" for OVMS students is scheduled for Friday, January 19th (8:30 am until 11:30 am) so you can have an opportunity to take a peek into a day at Newberry High School. This date is based on your CURRENT school enrollment and we cannot accommodate requests for alternate dates. The deadline to sign up to participate is Friday, January 12th, using this link: Class of 2028 NHS Academy of Criminal Justice "Shadow Day".
    “Open House / Expo” will be held on Thursday, January 11th (6:00 pm until 8:00 pm) so you can see all our program has to offer, speak with our Academy Director (Officer Patrick Treese) as well as current and former Academy students, and look into the career opportunities which can become available after completion of the Academy of Criminal Justice program. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to look into your possible future!
    Additional information about our magnet program can be found on the Newberry High School website: https://www.sbac.edu/Page/18644.