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Shell Elementary Accelerated Reading Program- Click to view information about this great program
Policies & Procedures- Click to view important information about Library Media Center policies
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Policies & Procedures
Checking out books from our school’s library is a privilege and a vital part of the learning process.
Policies help ensure our students are responsiblestewards of our wide collection of books so that all students will continue to have access to these valuable resources.
Book Checkout Policy:
- Checkout is for one week and books may be renewed twice
- Kindergarten-1st Grade students may check out 1 book
- Students in Grades 2-3 may check out 2 books
- Students in Grades 4-5 may check out 3 books
Damaged Books:
- If a book is damaged, please bring the book and we will determine if it can be repaired, or the fee for replacing the book
- Fees will not be assessed for damage due to normal wear and tear
Overdue Book Policy:
- If a book is not returned or renewed after one week, an overdue notice will be issued to the student through the classroom teacher
- The student will not be allowed to borrow any more books until all overdue books are returned
- When several overdue notices have been issued, we will presume the book is lost
Options for Lost Books:
- Find the item
- Pay the replacement fee
- Purchase a replacement copy of the book for the library
Replacement fees can be found on the overdue notice and can be paid by cash or check. Checks should be made payable to Wiles Elementary. The payment is refundable if a lost book is found and returned during the current school year.
Library Media Center
Welcome to the Media Center!
Library Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 2:45 pm
Students may also return books both before and after school outside of regular Media Center hours (7:30-7:40am and 2:45-3:00)***
Media Center Gallery
School Library Catalog
Media Contact
Janice Carpenter
Media Specialist
email: carpenterjr
Kelly Masciale
Paraprofessional/Media Aide
email: masciaklPhone: 352-481-1901
Note: All school board emails are followed by @gm.sbac.edu