Clubs and Organizations
Joining a club in high school can help you make new friends, boost your extracurricular activity record and give your college application
some help. Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills and boost your resumé.
Co Curricular
Organization | Sponsor | Website | |
Academy of Finance | Michele Brothers | brothemm | |
AFJROTC | Col James E Roberts/MgSgt Johnny Phelps | robertsje, phelpsjm | AFJROTC Website |
Aviance | Noah Graben | grabennc | |
Band | Noah Graben | grabennc | BHS Band |
Buchholz Deutscher Verein (German Club) | Sarah Luesch | lueschsj | |
Buchholz Spanish Honor Society (BESO) | Veronica Charbonnet | charbonnetva | |
Chorus | Steve Couch | couchsd | |
DECA | Wendy Rosche | roschewl | |
Drama Club (Buchholz Players) | Ted Lewis | lewista | |
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) | Michele Brothers | brothemm | |
Forensics/Debate | Richard Burns | burnsrm | |
Future Medical Professionals/HOSA Club | Michael Hartman | hartmanmh | |
Math | Will Frazer, Ziwei Lu | frazerwj, luz | BHS Math Team |
Science Team | Marc Moody & Gabriella Bottorff | moodyms, bottorffgf | |
Student Council | Brittany Bowers | bowersbl | |
WCAT/ TV Production | Bryan Hantak | hantakbc | |
Yearbook | Kevin White | whitekj |