Rules for Riding the Bus

    • Obey the driver and observe classroom conduct at all times
    • Sit in your assigned seat
    • Wear a seat belt at all times and remain seated when the bus is in motion
    • Keep your arms, legs, head and objects inside the windows
    • Remain quiet. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is dangerous. Students using wireless communication devices with audio must use headphones/earbuds.
    • Do not eat, drink, have or use tobacco products or other prohibited items.

    Unforeseen circumstances can sometimes prevent a bus from arriving at a bus stop on time. The Transportation Department will send text messages to families to let them know if their child’s bus is delayed. Families can also go to for a list of delayed buses.

    Families are encouraged to have the route number for all buses their children ride.

    Rules governing student behavior on the school bus are included in the Code of Student Conduct. Parents should remind students that for the safety of all, they must obey the instructions of the school bus driver at all times. Other rules specific to school bus behavior are also included in the Code. The Code is available at

    Video cameras have been installed on many buses. Student behavior may be recorded at any time and used to observe any evidence of misconduct. Misbehavior on the bus may lead to suspension or expulsion from the bus and/or school.