Williams Elementary Jaiden-Player-Siler Water Safety Day

Calling All Community Members
Williams Elementary invites the community to be a part of our school. If you have a local business, consider becoming a Partner in Education.
The Benefits of Community Involvement in Schools
Consistent community involvement and engagement at all levels of the school have been shown time and time again to have significant short and long-term benefits.
According to a recent policy brief[3] from the National Education Association (NEA), “when schools, parents, families, and communities work together to support learning, students tend to earn higher grades, attend school more regularly, stay in school longer, and enroll in higher-level programs”.
With these important benefits in mind, it’s clear that a focus on increasing community involvement programs and opportunities should be a consistent goal for our school.
Volunteers! We love you!
Volunteering is one of the most common and popular ways to get involved.
Volunteering can come in many different shapes and forms. Visit classes and speak about your chosen profession for Career Day. Get involved by volunteering with enrichment opportunities before and after school, such as tutoring, fine arts clubs, and athletic teams.
Partner with Williams! We need you!
No time for hands-on interaction? Become a sponsor or donate to your program or choice.