About Williams School Counseling
Classroom Guidance (KG - 5th)
Classroom guidance topics include personal safety, working cooperatively, conflict resolution, school success skills, career awareness, Human Growth & Development (5th grade only), decision-making and goal-setting.
Small Group Counseling:
Small counseling groups are designed to help students cope with a variety of issues. These groups focus on issues such as divorce, friendship and school success skills. Often, children benefit from the opportunity to develop communication skills, increased self-awareness, and share feelings and experiences in a group.
Individual Counseling:
Individual counseling takes place on a short-term
basis to help students with coping skills. If necessary, a referral can be made to practitioners in the community.
Collaboration and Consultation:
The School Counselor works with parents and teachers to help students achieve academically. If you have concerns about your child's emotional, social or academic development, please call the Guidance Office at (352) 955-6955.
Gifted Eligibility
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade:
The screening for Gifted begins with a teacher recommendation. These screenings generally take place in April and May. Students who are recommended by their teachers take a short ability test, the SAGES-2. The SAGES is a non-verbal analogies test. Students who pass this test are referred to the school psychologist for a more comprehensive IQ test.
Third - Fifth Grade:
The screening criteria includes a teacher recommendation and high FSA scores. Students must have at least a combined total of 8 for the level scores on the Reading and Math FSA. Students who meet this criteria are referred to the School Psychologist for a comprehensive IQ test.
New Students:
Teachers must have students for 6 weeks before they can make a recommendation for Gifted screening. If students do not have scores from a standardized achievement test, such as the CAT, ITBS, or SAT, an ability screening, like the SAGES, can be used in its place.
Please call the Guidance Office at (352) 955-6955, if you have any questions.
Concerns about Learning and Behavior
Concerns about Learning and Behavior Problems:
If you are concerned about your child's learning, please call the Guidance Office at (352) 955-6955 to request an Educational Planning Team Meeting. The EPT team usually consists of the child's parents, teachers, the School Counselor, the Principal, and the School Psychologist. The team meets to discuss the child's needs and possible interventions to improve progress.
Recommended Reading:
How to Talk So Kids Can Learn by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World: Unlocking the Potential of Your ADD Child by Jeffrey Freed and Laurie Parsons
The Dinosaurs Divorce by Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brow

School Counselor
Wendy Shannon