EDEP at Williams

Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Adrian Criswell, Coordinator
Email: criswellag (to complete address add: @gm.sbac.edu)
EDEP Phone: (352) 955-6719 ext. 4026
EDEP Cellphone: (325) 231-0502
Program Hours: school dismissal to 5:30 p.m.
TAX ID# 59-6000500
Link to the District EDEP Site
Why Choose Afterschool?
EDEP is the place to be! It's a place for your students to complete homework and have fun with friends in an educational environment. All elementary school activity leaders bring a variety of enriching activities to the program, such as art projects, cooking, team sports, & more! EDEP also has laid-back fun, outdoor play, and indoor games.
Williams EDEP is a very fun and engaging program for all elementary-age students. We offer homework help daily with our College Volunteers/ Mentors. We have two high school programs that will be joining us again. Eastside High School's Science 4 Kids and Eastside High School's IB Art. Students conduct science experiments or art projects respectfully. We also reward/celebrate our students with daily group prizes, and monthly parties!!!! And NOBODY PARTIES LIKE EDEP!!!!
EDEP is also a wildly convenient choice if your child is interested in joining one of the many incredible clubs that Williams Elementary School offers (chess, STEM, Geo-Eco, chorus...etc.) Students check in with EDEP, go to their club, and then come back to EDEP for a snack and homework help. We are designed to create a fun and enriching environment for all of our students, but we benefit the entire family, especially working parents.
Join us this year for an incredible after-school experience! See the link above about WHY after-school programs are beneficial to our youth!
Program Information
Program hours are from school dismissal until 5:30 pm.
Pickup location: Cafeteria
Late fees will be charged beginning at 5:31 pm at a rate of $15.00 per child for every 15 minutes you are late. Two late pick-ups will result in dismissal from the program.
Daily Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
1:45-2:30 Attendance and Snack
2:30-3:30 Homework Time /Outside Play/ Inside Game
3:30-4:00 Group Time
4:00-4:30 Rotation Time
4:30-5:00 Outside Play Continues/Inside Activity Clean Up
5:00-5:30 Good ByesWednesdays:
12:30-12:45 Attendance
12:45-2:00 Homework Time /Outside Play/Inside Game
2:00-2:30 Snack
2:30-3:30 1st Rotation Time
3:30-4:00 Group Time
4:00-4:30 2nd Rotation Time
4:30-5:00 Outside Play/Inside Game Clean UP
5:00-5:30 Good Byes
What to know before you Register!!!
For Registration Information, please contact the Site Coordinator, Mr. Adrian. Email: criswellag@gm.sbac.edu , or EDEP Cellphone (352) 231-0502.
Only children currently enrolled in Kindergarten through fifth grade are eligible to enroll in EDEP located at Elementary Schools (Eligible 5th graders must be under the age of 13). Children must be at least five years of age by September 1st and “potty trained” to participate. Each child must have the nonrefundable nontransferable $25.00 cash Registration Fee Paid, the first weekly fee paid in advance and a completed signed registration card on file before participating in the program. You must register in person with the EDEP On-Site Coordinator at your school each year. The On-Site Coordinators are available after school until 5:30 p.m. The registration fee and first week’s fee are due at registration, along with a signed Parent Acknowledgment form, located in the parents' handbook. An email address will be required to set up your online ProCare account. ProCare is used for tracking your EDEP activities, such as attendance & fees (using Procare is necessary for every family in Williams EDEP Program).
The EDEP staff must know at least one week in advance which days your child will attend the program. There is no “drop-in” service. You must fill out a new registration card each year and EDEP Scholarship Applications.
Enrollment is limited at some schools. To provide for the safety of the EDEP participants and the quality of the program, maximum capacities have been established at each school. These enrollment caps are based on the size of the available space and the total school population. Procedures have been selected for enrollment priorities and are followed by the principal until the program has reached capacity.
Program Fees
Full Rate: $67.00 Per Child
Scholarship Rate III: $47.00 Per Child
Scholarship Rate II: $32.00 Per Child
Scholarships are available based on household income. The parent must complete an application and submit income verification (1040 Tax Form) to determine the proper fees to be charged. Until the scholarship form is processed, your starting payments will be at the Full Rate.
Payments may be made by credit card or bank account using the Procare parent app. Payments may also be made by check or cash at the EDEP office.
Please DO NOT drop checks or cash off in the front office or with your child’s teacher. All payments need to be given directly to the Coordinator.
Fees are always due no later than Monday of the current week.