Faculty & Staff
Buchholz High School
5510 NW 27th Ave
Gainesville, FL 32606
Phone: (352) 955-6702
FAX: (844) 770-0225 Student Records Fax: (833) 790-3938Administration
Kevin Purvis, Principal Email: purviskl Marlon Jones, Assistant Principal - Administration, Title IX Coordinator Email: jonesmd David Rendek, Assistant Principal - Curriculum Email: rendekdm Dr. Julie Smith, Assistant Principal - Student Services Email: smithje1 Note: Email addresses are followed by @gm.sbac.edu.
Administrative Support
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Brittany Bowers | Activities Director | bowersbl | |
Ron Brooks | Athletic Director | brooksrc | |
Sonya Groce | Assistant Bookkeeper | grocesb | |
Maria Ilena | Front Office Reception | ilinam | |
Maria Ilina | Office Reception | ilinam | |
Amber Kovach | Registered Nurse | kovachad | |
Kaye Marinoff | Bookkeeper | marinoffke | |
Audra Pardo | Executive Assistant | pardoal | |
Leah Simonelli | Attendance | simonellild |
Student Services
Full Name | Title | Phone/Fax | Website | |
Deanna Giunta | Clerical/Truancy | giuntadm | Â | |
Dustin McMillan | Counselor - 11th/12th Last Names A - G | mcmilland | Â | |
Jean Brown | Counselor - 11th/12th Last names H - O | brownjg | Â | |
Suzanne Warner | Counselor - 11th/12th Last Names P - Z | warnersl | Â | |
Kristen Rigney | Counselor - 9th/10th Last Names A - G | rigneykn | Â | |
Heather Bates | Counselor - 9th/10th Last Names H - O | batesha | Â | |
David Brockes | Counselor - 9th/10th Last Names P - Z | brockesdc | Â | |
Jamea George | Database Clerk | georgeje | Â | |
Marc Ellard | Dean | ellardm | Â | |
Lashandra Jenkins | Dean | jenkinln | Â | |
Kevin Peoples | Dean | peopleskl | Â | |
Audrey Bloodworth | Dean | bloodworthae | Â | |
Jennifer Burnett | Deans' Secretary | burnettjm | Â | |
Lisa Zunkel | Guidance Clerical | zunkelll | Â | |
Sonny Jenkins | Reception, Registration, Volunteer Coordinator | jenkinssm | Â | |
Heather Barnes | Registrar | barneshc | Â Student Records Fax: (833) 790-3938 | |
Jennifer Frazer | Scheduling | frazerjl | Â | |
Scott Jamison | Senior Clerical | jamisosh | Â | |
Jermaine Welch | Site Tech | welchjm | Â | |
Sara Livingstone | Social Worker (Monday and Wednesday) | livingstoneso | Â | |
Clive Stampp | Student Support Specialist | stamppca | Â |
Aerospace Science
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Michael Phelps (Chief) | AFJROTC | phelpsjm | Website Link |
James Roberts (Colonel) | AFJROTC | robertsje | Website Link |
Applied Engineering
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Alexia Britton | Applied Engineering | brittonan |
Full Name | Title | Phone Ext | Website | |
Noah Graben | Aviance, AP Music Theory, Jazz Band, Percussion, Symphonic Band | grabennc | (352) 955-6995 | Website Link |
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Michele Brothers | Academy of Finance | brothemm | Website Link |
Robin Hayse | Academy of Finance | hayserc | Website Link |
Terry Hoffer | Academy of Entrepreneurship | hoffert | Website Link |
Wendy Rosche | Academy of Entrepreneurship | roschewl | Website Link |
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Ted Lewis | Theater, Stagecraft | lewista |
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Ron Brooks | Social Studies, HOPE | brooksrc | Â | Esther Cepeda | Math | cepedaej | Â | Tamika Clark | ESE Clerical | clarktn | Â | Jayden Herron | Science, Math | herronjs | Â | Rainey Hooper | Access | hooperr | Â | Mike Maren | Access Math, Math | marentm | Â | Jessica O'Brian | Learning Strategies | obrianjm | Â | Hayden Scharf | Social Studies | scharfhw | Â | Linda Stiles | SLP | stileslm | Â | Grady Talbert | English | talbertgw | Â | Christin Vinson | Learning Strategies | vinsoncn | Â |
E-school Proctors
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Domonique Boykin | E-school Proctor | boykindl | |
Glian Melendez | E-school Proctor | melendezgm | |
Kaili Wu | E-school Proctor | wukg |
Family and Consumer Sciences
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Richard Wenk | Food and Nutrition, Food 2 | wenkrl |
Foreign Languages
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Brittany Bowers | Spanish 2 | bowersbl | |
Veronica Charbonnet | Spanish 1, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature | charbonnetva | |
Sarah Luesch | German | lueschsj | |
Jarell Perry | Spanish 1 and 2 | perryjm | |
Kristy Shuster | Spanish 2, Spanish 3 Honors | shusterkl |
Language Arts
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Richard Burns | English IV Honors, Debate | burnsrm | |
Denise Cueto | English II, English II Honors | cuetod | |
Kayla Park | English II Pre-AP, English II | fitzsimonskm | |
Patrick Gallagher | AP Language, English III Honors | gallagherp | |
Nathan Justice | English I, Pre-AP English I | justicenm | |
Dennis Lewis | English III, English IV | lewisdl | |
Susan LoMonte | English III, English II Honors | lomontsr | |
Elliot Moore | English I, English III Honors | moorees | |
Valeri Pandak | English I, English I Honors | pandakv | |
Carolina Saitta | English I, English I Honors | saittacs | |
Dawn Uman | English II, English II Honors | umandm | |
Kendra Vincent | AP English Literature, English IV Honors | vincentkn | |
Anjali Zaldivar | English III, English II Honors, English IV Honors | zaldivara |
Library Media Center
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Ana Charret | Media Aide | charretam | |
Morgan Nielsen | Media Specialist, State Testing Coordinator, WCAT | nielsenmm | |
Stacey Scott | Media Specialist, AP Coordinator, Cambridge/AICE Exams Officer | scottsm | |
Amy Shrewsbury | Computer Proctor, Copy Room | shrewsburyah |
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Kelly Almaguer | AP Statistics, Stats Honors, Dual Enrollment Math | almaguerkl | |
Erin Brooks | Geometry, Geometry Honors, Algebra II | brookseh | |
Cynthia Cheung | Geometry, MCLA | cheungc1 | |
Jessica Demers | Algebra IA, MCLA, MCA | demersja | |
Sarah Houze | Geometry, Geometry Honors | houzese | |
Elena Karis | AP Pre-Calculus | kariseo | |
Emily Land | Algebra I, Algebra I Honors | lander | |
Thomas Meadows | Math for Data & Financial Literacy, Math for College Algebra | meadowsta | |
Greg Norman | Algebra II | normangp | |
Annette Packwood | Algebra 1, Algebra 1 Honors | packwooda | |
Amy Palmer | Algebra II, Algebra II Honors | palmeral | |
William Pankey | Pre-Calculus Honors, MCLA | pankeytw | |
Coley Privette | Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus AB | privetterm | |
Dr. Michael Raburn | Geometry, Geometry Honors, Probability & Stats | raburnml | |
Addison Watts | Algebra II, Algebra II Honors | wattsam |
Performing Arts
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Richard Burns | Debate | burnsrm | |
Steve Couch | Chorus, Guitar, Keyboard, Music of the World, String Orchestra, Vocal Ensemble | couchsd | |
Noah Graben | Aviance, AP Music Theory, Jazz Band, Percussion, Symphonic Band | grabennc | Website Link |
Ted Lewis | Stagecraft, Theater | lewista | Website Link |
Physical Education
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Chuck Bell | Basketball, Personal Fitness, Weightlifting | bellce | |
James Rowley | Personal Fitness, Weightlifting | rowleyiijm |
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Joan Cannon-Dicks | Reading 3, Reading 4 | cannondicksjm | |
Debra Fields | Reading 1 | fieldsda | |
Theresa Flamand | Reading 1, Reading 2 | flamanta |
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Lori Boggs | Biology, Biology Honors, Marine Science | boggsll | |
Gabriella Bottorff | Biology, Biology Honors | bottorffgf | |
Ana Casanova | Environmental Science, Environmental Sci. Honors | casanovaal | |
Michael Hartman | Biology, AP Biology | hartmanmh | |
Nicole Hipple | Chemistry, Chemistry Honors | hipplene | |
Dr. Karen Kearney | Anatomy and Physiology Honors | kearneke | Website Link |
Kirsten Patterson | Marine Science, AICE Marine Science | pattersondk | |
Alex Payne | Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Calc BC | payneac | |
John Pettit | Environmental Science Honors, AP Environmental Science | pettitjd | AP Website Link |
Matthew Prescott | Earth/Space Honors | prescottme | |
Georgia Reilly | Biology, Biology Honors, Env. Science | reillyge | |
Cameron VanHorn | Environmental Science, Environmental Science Honors | vanhorncm | |
Dr. Josh Wardwell | Environmental Science, Environmental Science Honors, Earth/Space Honors | wardwelljj |
Social Studies
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Scott Allen | AP US History, US History Honors | allensw | |
Robert Ash | World History, World History Honors, Contemporary | ashrj | |
Stacia Berben | AP Psychology, AP Gov | berbensj | |
Elizabeth Cherena | World History, AP World History | cherenaed | |
Matthew Dibernardo | American Government | dibernardomj | |
Lance Etelkozi | Contemporary History | etelkozila | |
Cedric Gilbert-Rolfe | US History, World History Honors | gilbertrolfecf | |
Mark Graham | Microeconomics, Microeconomics Honors | grahamma | |
Kiersten Hamby | World History, World History Honors | hambykd | |
Ryan McNickle | US History Honors, AP Seminar, AP Research | mcnicklers | Website Link |
Jessica Morey | AP US Government, AP Micro | moreyja | |
Stephen Pederson | United States History, Contemporary History | pedersonsl | |
Wesley Smith | US Government, US Government Honors | smithwr1 | |
Danielle Whiddon | US History, US History Honors | whiddodn | |
Mark Whittemore | World History, AP Human Geography | whittemt |
Support Staff
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Caprice Blake | Paraprofessional | blakecc | |
Connie Bradley | Paraprofessional | bradleycf | |
Dameon Butler | Safety/Hall Monitor | butlerdd | |
Tamika Clark | Paraprofessional | clarktn | |
Paula Cuellar | ESOL Paraprofessional | garciacuellarpa | |
John Gillman | Paraprofessional | gillmanjg | |
Lakeysha Gordon | Paraprofessional | gordonly | |
Allen Hughes | Paraprofessional | hughesja | |
Antwon Mack | Safety/Hall Monitor | mackaj | |
Jana Nero | Paraprofessional | nerojg | |
Michael Perry | Paraprofessional | perrymw | |
Jennifer Presley | Paraprofessional | presleyja | |
Donnie Slayton | Plant Mechanic | slaytondl | |
Jason Sumner | Paraprofessional | sumnerjl | |
Jermaine Welch | Technology Specialist | welchjm | |
Rebecca White | Paraprofessional | whiterl |
Custodial Staff and Food Service
Full Name | Title | Website | |
Kenneth Dupree | * Custodian, Lead | dupreekj | |
James Bessent | **Custodian, Head | bessentj | |
Frances Creveling | **Food Services, Manager | crevelingf | |
Edwin Bryant | Custodian | bryantej | |
Clifford Ivey | Custodian | iveycl | |
Twanda Jackson | Custodian | jacksontl | |
Jermane London | Custodian | londonja | |
Hamod McNutt | Custodian | mcnutthh | |
Kathy McNutt | Custodian | mcnuttke | |
Wanesha Mitchell | Custodian | mitchellwj | |
Joseph Rose | Custodian | roseja | |
Wayne Welcome | Custodian | welcomewl | |
Shawanta Williams | Custodian | williamssy | |
John Zunkel | Custodian | zunkelja | |
Chi Cheung | Food Service | cheungc | |
Luke Kerensky | Food Service | kerenskyrl | |
Kristina Leggett | Food Service | leggettkm | |
Barbara Zieglar | Food Service | zieglarba |