School Philosophy: Our behavior goal as a school is for students to take ownership of their own choices and to avoid strictly punitive action.  We believe in the power of positive expectations, modeling desired behaviors, and the opportunity to respond to redirection.  All of our students deserve a quality education and we believe this begins by keeping them in class as much as possible.


    Westwood Students Are…

    Kind…….. doing whatever they can to be polite and thoughtful

    Respectful….. toward peers, teachers, yourself, and property—be mindful of personal space

    Responsible…they are familiar with and adhere to the Secondary Code of Student Conduct

    Safe…..they take steps to make sure they are not part of anything that may cause injury


    Morning Areas:  

    Students are expected to enter through the Multi Purpose Room gate (east of the office) unless they are arriving by bus. If students arrive prior to 8:30 a.m., they are to go directly to the Multi Purpose Room. Students will be dismissed to designated morning areas after 8:30 a.m. They will not be allowed to leave their morning area without a pass to go anywhere else. Students will be dismissed by clean tables. All opened food must remain in the morning areas. 


    Electronic Devices / Cell Phones:

    School policy is that electronics (cellphones, air pods, etc…) are “away all day.” Students are required to have all electronic devices turned off and put away beginning with the first bell at 9:20AM  to the time the final bell rings at 3:37PM.  No pictures or videos (“selfies” or others) allowed on campus at any time. Emergency phone calls may be made from the front office.  Review the Code of Conduct to ensure you understand the cell phone expectations and consequences.



    Students are expected to be in their seat and ready to learn when the bell rings to be considered on time to class. Once students enter the classroom, they are to remain there. Students may not drop their things off and then go back out to the hall, bathroom, get a drink, etc., so these things need to be taken care of prior to entering the classroom. Three tardies will result in a parent contact and students may receive a conduct grade of N on their report card. Four or more tardies will result in a dean referral for support and also may result in a U for conduct on their report card. Ten or more unexcused minutes late to a class will be considered skipping and result in a dean’s referral. Tardies will be reset each nine weeks. 



    Students will remain in class for the first and last ten minutes and no passes will be given (except to the clinic when warranted). After ten minutes, teachers will only allow one student out to the bathroom at a time. Passes to places such as counselors’ offices, deans, media center, clinic, etc. will be written separately by teachers. Students must make appointments online to visit student services.


    Hallways / Sidewalks:  

    Students are expected to walk, stay to the right as much as possible, and keep moving. The hallways are not an area to stop, stand around, play, or eat—they are the direct path to prepare for and arrive at the next class on time. Students are expected to use a conversational tone (shouting and inappropriate language are not acceptable). 




    Students are expected to sit down and remain in the lunchroom until dismissal.  Students need a pass and/or teacher escort in order to leave. Students are expected to clean up after themselves before being dismissed. No opened food or drinks should be taken from the cafeteria. 


    Field Trips: 

    There will be opportunities for field trips at Westwood. Students are eligible for field trips regardless of their grades, but may lose this opportunity due to behavior. If a student is found to have engaged in any sort of physical altercation, bullying, or possession of illegal substances, field trip privileges will be revoked. The Westwood Way and Secondary Code of Student Conduct are in effect on all field trips.


    Dress Code:  

    Westwood students dress for success! Students are expected to follow the dress code policy detailed in the Secondary Code of Student Conduct. 



    One or two binders in working condition


    Only homework in the front pocket(s)


    Signed Westwood Way Form


    Fully stocked pencil pouch or pencil case (No partial credit given)

    [4 sharpened pencils or mechanical pencils, 2 pens, 2 highlighters]


    The student agenda with evidence it is used in all classes


    Divider tab for each subject


    Focused-notes for each subject


    Notebook paper 


    No loose papers in the binder(s) or backpack


    Total Points




    Life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how you react to it