Mission, Vision and Beliefs

  • Mission Statement
    We are committed to the success of every student.

    Vision Statement
    Lawton Chiles Elementary strives for excellence by actively involving all students, parents, staff, and the community in a safe, nurturing and respectful environment.

    * All students can and will learn more than they presently know.
    * Lawton Chiles will be child centered.
    * All students will feel successful.
    * Lawton Chiles will be an A+ school.
    * Individuality is valued.
    * Each child is important and valued.
    * Everybody deserves respect.
    * Students will be encouraged to be lifelong learners.
    * Students will learn to respect differences in individuals.
    * Teachers serve as facilitators and ensure learning for all.
    * Students should want to learn and enjoy learning.
    * The teaching of social skills should be a part of the school day.
    * Communication will be ongoing between parents and teachers.