• FFEA Logo The Florida Future Educators of America (FFEA) is a pre-collegiate service club that provides a forum for students to nurture their interest in the educational field.


    Join us in Mrs. Malo's AFT classroom, room G-2,
    every other Thursday.


    Requirements to Join:


  • Meet our 2023-2024 FFEA Officers


    Maya Allen, President 

    Xavier Provost, Vice President 

    Gillian Collins, Secretary

    Nevin Johnson, Treasurer

    Spencer Dizon, Historian

    Briana Mulroney and Bee Flanagan, Parliamentarian

  • The goals and purposes of this program are:

    • to strive to inspire competent young men and women to consider teaching as a career.
    • to provide members with knowledge and experiences that develop qualities and aptitudes essential to successful teaching. 
    • to offer pre-teaching experiences that are both exploratory and developmental in nature.
    • to provide information on professional career opportunities in education and the special competencies required.
    • to develop an appreciation of public education and the contributions that have been made by teachers, public schools, colleges and universities, teacher unions, and other professional organizations to American society.
    • to encourage members to exercise their rights and privileges as citizens and to participate and accept leadership in civic affairs.
    • to "grow our own educators" in Gainesville.