Ram Locator Videos
Our goal is to remain connected with all rams during this difficult time. Social distancing is difficult but we are RAMILY, a family of rams that always sticks together!
The page is comprised of various videos that were put together to keep all rams motivated and smiling. Faculty, staff, and students were willing to be silly, studious, and ridiculously caring during the pandemic.
Other Videos/Links to photos that include our Rams and progress during the pandemic.
bit.ly/ThankYouMrAndrew2020 - a special video created by Student Government to honor Mr. Andrew on May 1st, National School Principals' Day.
flfbla-live - Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Virtual Awards Ceremony held on May 4th, 7 pm. Congratulations Mr. Baez and students on your recognition. posting video link soon - ICA NASA HUNCH Virtual Competition. Congrats to our culinary team for doing a stellar job!
presentation/d/ 151x20aBv4WU2QKAupYr9LDkqONQDb 9jK3IPkDLLkAy8/edit?usp= sharing - Eastside High School Garden. Dr. Doherty thanks for keeping everything green.
IB Pinning Pick-Up (May 5th)

Cap and Gown Pick Up (May 28th)