International Baccalaureate Program

  • The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, focuses on the classical liberal arts and sciences. Founded in the 1960s as a common university entrance credential to serve a consortium of international schools, the program is available today in over 5,400 schools in 150 countries around the world.

    Eastside’s program, one of the first three in Florida, graduated its first class of 21 IB Diploma students in 1987 and has since graduated over 3,200 Diploma holders. In the year 2000, Eastside gave more IB examinations than any other school in North America! Almost 500 students come to The Best Side from all over Alachua County for the IB magnet. Eastside’s program is large and successful; it serves as a model for other schools in Florida and throughout the US.

    Students who come to Eastside’s IB Program begin with a Pre-IB curriculum in grades nine and ten. The formal IB Program serves juniors and seniors. A typical IB student at Eastside completes four credits in Language A (English), four credits in Language B (French or Spanish), four or five credits in Individuals and Societies (social studies), four credits in Mathematics, and four or five credits in Experimental Sciences. In the IB Sixth Subject (elective), students explore Studio Art, Music, Theater Arts, Psychology, or additional sciences. All IB students take a course in Theory of Knowledge in grades 11 and 12, complete independent research that results in an Extended Essay of 4,000 words, and document Creativity/Activity/Service (CAS) experiences outside the classroom.

    For further information about the International Baccalaureate Program at Eastside High School, call or write:

    Eastside High School
    Lori Gully
    International Baccalaureate Program Coordinator
    1201 SE 43rd Street
    Gainesville, FL 32641-7698
    352.955.6704 x5218

Program Documents

The Value of an IB education

Why French at EHS?

Students Win National Student Advocacy Award