French Club/French Honor Society

  •  I heart French clubBienvenue à Eastside! Parlez-vous français?

    Indulge in the French language and culture by joining the French Club! participate in our events (parties, fundraisers, 5K/walking meetings and conversation tables. Anyone can join, even those that aren't taking French.

    There is also an extension of this club based on academic performance called the French Honor Society.

    Many of the French students also compete in Congres. This is a French-speaking and performance competition.  For many years, Eastside has taken home the State trophy for 1st place.

    Sponsor: Mrs. Torres

By-Laws of French Club

  • Please review the by-laws and abide by them.



    The name of the association shall be the French Club of Eastside High School.


    The purpose of the organization shall be:

    1. To promote fellowship and group effort among those interested in French culture and language, with a spirit of friendship between races, cultures and individuals.
    2. To further the study of the French language and cultures of French-speaking countries.
    3. To cooperate with and further the aims of local schools, college and university teachers and students.
    4. To welcome and facilitate the integration and sojourn in our community of French-speaking families or individuals through the cultural and social activities of the Club.


    Section 1.
    Membership is open to any Eastside student who subscribes to the purposes and the spirit of the Club. Knowledge of the French language is not a requirement.

    Section 2.
    All members shall have the full rights and privileges of membership.

    Section 3.
    Any person who has performed notable service for the cause of the Club might be elected to 
    Honorary Life membership in the Club without payment of membership dues.

    Section 4.
    Membership dues shall be established by the Board according to a category of membership and shall be payable on a schedule determined by the Board.

    Section 5.

    Membership in French Club is required of those attending le Congrès de la Culture française en Floride.


    Section 1.
    The elective officers of the Club shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Parliamentarian, and one or two Historians.

    Section 2. 
    The President shall be the executive officer of the Club under the advice of the Board. The president shall preside over general meetings and board meetings. He/She shall be responsible for the election of officers, for the expansion of membership and for encouraging mutual respect between members. The President is responsible for the installation of new officers at the Awards Banquet.

    Section 3.
    The Vice President, who shall serve in the absence of the President, shall have the primary responsibility for the organization of Conversation Tables.

    Section 4.
    The Secretary of the Club shall maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Board, maintain a register of all members, and produce at the direction of the board a Directory of Membership.

    Section 5. 
    The Treasurer shall receive and disburse as needed the funds of the Club, keep records of all transactions, and submit a written summary thereof to the Board at its meetings and to the members at the Annual Opening Meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for notifying members of the status of their dues to the Club.

    Section 6.
    The Club shall have an elected Board and ad hoc committees appointed by the Board. The Board shall be composed of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, Treasurer, the Parliamentarian, and the officers of the French Honor Society.

    (a) The Board shall determine the direction and the calendar of the Club, decide on the events to be organized and have the authority over the expenditure of such funds as may come into the treasury of the Club. Under the general direction of the President, the Board shall have the responsibility for carrying out the programs of the Club.

    (b) The Board shall meet on call of the President or the request of any three of its members. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting which quorum must include the President or the Vice-President and the Treasurer.

    (c) The elective members of the Board shall have the authority to make a new appointment effective immediately if in their view any appointed members of the committee are unable to carry out the responsibilities of their office, or because of vacancy. In case of severe misconduct of a member of the Board, the teachers and remaining members will decide if the student should be removed from office and also if the misconduct warrants removal from the French Club. 

    Section 1.
    A nominating committee composed of the President, the Vice-President and three club members shall submit nominations for elective officers at a Board meeting prior to the May general meeting. Nominations from club members shall be presented to the Board during the month prior to the May meeting, as well as, during the meeting.

    Section 2.
    The officers shall be elected for terms of one year by the Board of the Club and ratified by the members at the May meeting. Terms shall commence at the close of said meeting.

    Section 3.
    The eligibility to be an officer shall be any member who demonstrates successful participation in the organization of Club activities.

    Section 4.
    The Board shall fill any vacancy that may occur on the Board for the unexpired term.


    The Board shall hold at least one meeting each year which shall be known as the Annual Opening Meeting in September. The Board shall meet as necessary to direct the Club. Additional meetings may be convened in April (to prepare the awards and stipends/scholarships for Awards Ceremony) and May (to organize plans for the next year's activities and elect officers and Board members). 


    This constitution may be amended at any general or called a meeting by two-thirds of voting members present and in the presence of two-thirds of the Board. Any proposed amendments, before being voted upon, must have been previously considered by the Board and sent by letter or email to the members one month before the vote.


    French Club members may submit requests to run for office in April. They may also submit suggestions for French Club activities to members of the Board.

    Adopted September 19, 2006

Important Documents