• Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials


    Submitting a Request:

    The Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form must be used for this request.  

    Requests for Reconsideration of Library Materials are submitted, in writing, to the school's principal.  The principal will forward the request to the District Curriculum Supervisor and the District Media Specialist. 

    District Level Review:

    The district-level curriculum supervisor will convene a committee to review the request.  The committee will be comprised of:

    • Curriculum Supervisor
    • District level Media Specialist
    • District level Guidance Counselor
    • District level Curriculum Specialist
    • Parent whose child has access to such material

    The meetings of the District Review Committee will be held bimonthly at the District offices.  Reconsideration requests will be reviewed at meetings no less than seven (7) day from receipt of the request by the district-level curriculum supervisor.  The meeting dates will be posted on the District's calendar on the SBAC website, and the objector will be notified.

    The objector is further permitted to provide any evidence they desire to the committee to consider.  This meeting will also be publicly noticed without public comment.

    The District Review Committee will make a recommendation on whether to keep the materials on the shelf, or remove them.  If the recommendation is to remove the material, the recommendation will be referred to the School Board for a final decision  at a publicly noticed Board Meeting.

    If the recommendation is to keep the material available, the matter will be referred for a hearing at the objector's request.

    Hearing Level Review:

    Within 30 days of the decision that is not resolved to the objector's satisfaction, an open public hearing before an unbiased and qualified hearing officer will be held. 

    School Board Level Review

    Within 14 days of the date of the hearing, the hearing officer will submit a recommended order to the Board.  The Board will consider the order and enter a  final decision at a publicly noticed Board Meeting. 

    Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Library Material Form

    This form should be used by a parent or resident of this county, in conjunction with district policies and procedures, to submit an objection for the following material:

    1. Materials used in a classroom in the district, except for instructional materials as defined in s.1006.29(2),F.S. The process and forms to object to instructional materials can be found 

    2. Materials made available to students in a school or classroom library.

    3. Materials included on a school or classroom reading list. 

    For More Information

    Please direct any questions about this form to Patty Duval, email: duvalpk@gm.sbac.edu or phone: 352-955-6860, ext. 1512.

  • Library

  • Media Access Levels

    Alachua County Public Schools has implemented a new process that allows parents to choose their student's level of access to school media center collections each year:

    Unlimited: My child may have full access to check out grade and age-appropriate books that are available at their grade level (elementary, middle, high)school library as well as classroom libraries.

    Limited: My student may check out books from the library media center, but there is content that I would like my student not to have access to in the library media center including the classroom library.

    No Access: My student is not permitted to check books out of the library media center or use classroom library books.

    To make a selection other than Unlimited, please make the selection here.  If you choose unlimited, you do not need to complete the form.