I Love U Guys Information
I Love U Guys Documents/Posters
SRP Safety Training Videos
Safety and Security
Alachua County Public Schools’ Office of Safety and Security was established to direct and oversee all safety and security-related activities in the district. That includes collaboration with local law enforcement, training for students and staff, ‘hardening’ of facilities, crisis response and other issues.
A law passed by the Florida Legislature in the spring of 2018 requires a full time school resource officer/deputy at all public schools. Thanks to an ongoing partnership with local law enforcement agencies, Alachua County Public Schools has had SROs/SRDs assigned to every school for several years now. Additional officers have been hired to fully implement the new law.
The law also mandates training for all public school employees and students to prepare them for an active threat on campus, such as an armed assailant. Alachua County Public Schools has partnered with the I Love U Guys Foundation in order to provide safety, security and structure for any emergency.
Parents and students have a very important role to play in ensuring the safety of our campuses. We encourage you and your children to report any concerns, suspicious activity, troubling social media postings or other issues to your principal, teacher, school resource officer or other adult at the school.
Please be assured that the safety of students, staff and visitors to our schools is Alachua County Public Schools’ top priority.
Preventing Gun Violence
Nationwide and in our own community, troubling incidents involving children, teens and guns have been on the rise. Our local law enforcement partners tell us that more young people are getting guns from their homes or the homes of relatives or friends.
Research clearly shows that properly securing a gun in the home greatly reduces the risk of accidental shootings, suicides and gun violence.
The School Board of Alachua County has approved a resolution to raise awareness about the importance of safely storing guns. The goal of the resolution is to promote the safety of students, staff and everyone on our school campuses, in homes and in the community.
This video includes information from local law enforcement and other leaders about preventing gun violence.
More information is also available at www.besmartforkids.org
Raptor Visitor Management Posters and Training
Canvas Raptor Course
Coming soon!! Canvas Raptor Course for:
- Building Admins
- Entry Admins
- Security Officers
- Volunteers
Raptor Training Videos
Raptor Training Videos (password required)
Building Admins are responsible for managing the application for your site, including adding or deactivating users. This video goes over the basics, including logging in, navigating the site, visitor sign-in, possible alerts and then moves into the Building Admin functions of User and Contact management, alert notifications and adding custom alerts.
Raptor Entry Door Sign