Welcome to The Parent Academy

  • The Parent Academy is here for you!

    Our goal is to support families by providing information and resources. We believe partnership between the school, family, and our local community is the way to help every child succeed.  

    How we connect: 

    • Live Webinars - Educators and community experts share information. Q & A at the end of each presentation.
    • Pre-Recorded Videos - Informational videos shared by district staff or community leaders
    • In-Person Meetings - Scheduled Parent Academy meetings at schools or other community venues across the district
    • Mobile Learning Lab - Two buses equipped with computer labs will travel to neighborhoods and provide training for parents
    • Surveys - Online links will be given so you can share thoughts and ideas

    #1: Exceptional Student Education Providing strategies and information to support students with disabilities.
    #2: Communication & School Success Strategies Strengthening communication among parents and schools; Building positive connections & sharing tips on how to support the best teaching practices in the home environment. 
    #3: College & Career Ready Promoting a college and career mindset to support future economic stability.
    #4: Mental Health Providing support for mental wellbeing; sharing information about signs, symptoms, and support. 


Zoom Link

Free Parent Coaching

  • Click to go to ParentGuidance.org Mental Health Resources

    Please check out the free parent resources.

    Being a parent can be tough. Our coaches give you confidence. Coaches are like your virtual parenting assistant. Both working together, you can dependably parent in a way that helps your child thrive.

Contact Us

  • Amplified Student Voice Coalition


    To the families of incoming 9th-12th graders from Alachua County Public Schools:

    Alachua County Public Schools is searching for students who will be in high school in the next school year to share their opinions with school, district and community leaders.

    The Amplified Student Voice Coalition offers students the opportunity to offer their perspective, feedback and possible solutions to important issues within our schools. The group will meet regularly to discuss and share their ideas for improving schools from the student's point of view.

    The district is looking for representation from all students, regardless of their leadership role at school or their involvement in extracurricular activities.

    Students interested in serving in the Coalition should complete this survey by May 31. Link to the survey is below:

    Cllick to take the Survey

Mental Health Resources: 15-Minute Overview

  • Webinar Flyer

Next Parent Academy Webinar Is . . .

  • flyer