ESE/Student Services Department Contacts

ESE/Student Services Department Contacts

Dr. Sheri J. Brassfield, PhD
Supervisor Elementary ESE Programs
(352) 955-7671 x 1630
Email:  brassfieldsj

Consuelo (Coi) Owens
Supervisor Secondary ESE Programs
(352) 955-7671 x 1635
Email:  owensce

Karla Hutchinson
Supervisor PreK ESE Program
(352) 955-7671 x 1664
Email:  hutchikn

Laura Schollmeyer-Schwartz
Supervisor ESE Compliance
(352) 955-7671 x1603
Email:  schwartzls

Johnelly Green, RN
Supervisor Health Services
Phone:  (352) 955-7671 x 1612
Cell:  (352) 318-2074
Email:  greenj1

Dr. Toni Griffin, EdD
Supervisor School Counseling & Student Services
(352) 955-7671 x1610
Email:  taylorjp

Dr. Donald Reed, PhD
Supervisor Psychological Services,
School Discipline, and Title IX
(352) 955-7671 x 1661
Email:  reedd

Sylvester Brown
Middle/High School Discipline,
Alternative Education, DJJ and
Related Programs Transitions
(352) 955-7671 x 1611
Email:  brownsl

Rodney W. Warner
Elementary Student Discipline,
District Bullying Initiative;
Attendance and Truancy
(352) 955-7671 x 1623
Email:  warnerrw

Wanda Gilmore and Deborah Difranco
Student Records
(352) 955-7740
Email:  studentrecords

Note: Email addresses are followed by