Parent Handbook

  • Dear Parent,

    We welcome you to the School Board of Alachua County’s Extended Day Enrichment Program (EDEP). The EDEP is a non-profit after-school child care program for elementary age children who are enrolled in Kindergarten through fifth grade, middle school programs for children enrolled in fifth through eighth grade and is supported solely by parent fees and in-kind services from each school.

    The goal of the EDEP is to provide a safe and enriching program which supports the family, school, and community. It provides opportunities for children to develop socially, emotionally, and physically, within a warm and caring atmosphere.

    Our staff participates as partners with you in providing a quality program. Communication, support, and cooperation are essential ingredients in this partnership. Please read this handbook carefully and discuss pertinent information with your child. Sign and return the “Parent Acknowledgement” form on the back cover. If you have any concerns about the EDEP, we’d be happy to talk with you. Please call the EDEP staff, the principal, or me.


    Angel Londrie

    Coordinator, Extended Day Enrichment Program

    Fees, Policies and Procedures


    Only children currently enrolled in Kindergarten through fifth grade are eligible to enroll in EDEP located at Elementary Schools (Eligible 5th graders must be under the age of 13). Eligible Middle School participants must be enrolled in fifth grade through eighth grade and under 15 years of age. Children must be at least five years of age by September 1st and “potty trained” to participate. Each child must have a completed and signed registration card on file before participating in the program. You must register in person with the EDEP On-Site Coordinator at your school each year. The On-Site Coordinators are available after school until 5:30 p.m. The registration fee and first week’s fee are due at registration, along with a signed Parent Acknowledgment form, located in this handbook. An email address will be required to set up your online ProCare account. ProCare is used for tracking your EDEP activities; such as attendance & fees.

    The EDEP staff must know at least one week in advance which days your child will be attending the program. There is no “drop-in” service. You must fill out a new registration card each year.

    Enrollment is limited at some schools. To provide for the safety of the EDEP participants and the quality of the program, maximum capacities have been established at each school. These enrollment caps are based on the size of the available space and the total school population. Procedures have been established for enrollment priorities and are followed by the principal until the program has reached capacity.


    Weekly Fees are charged each Monday morning. An official EDEP withdrawal form must be submitted to the site Coordinator prior to noon to cancel the current week fees. Students wishing to re-enroll (if space allows) will be charged a new registration fee of $25. Any refund request must be submitted to the Site Coordinator via email within 30 days of last attendance.

    Days and Hours of Operation

    After School: The days and hours of operation depend on individual school schedules. At most schools, the EDEP will operate Monday through Friday from school dismissal until 5:30 p.m. Middle Schools are open until 6:00 pm.

    School Holidays/Teacher Workdays: The EDEP will not operate during school holidays or teacher workdays. However, some programs may choose to be open on teacher workdays for an extra fee. Please check with the school that your child attends.

    Weekly Rates 

    The following sliding-fee schedule has been established:

                                                 Weekly Fee

    Full Rate                               $67.00

    Scholarship Rate III              $47.00

    Scholarship Rate II               $32.00

    • Scholarships are available and based on household income. The parent must complete an application for Reduced EDEP Fees and income verification to determine the proper EDEP fees to be charged. Until this form is processed and approved, everyone will pay the full rate.
    • If your child is withdrawing from the program, a request for a refund must be given in writing via email to the On-Site Coordinator. No refunds will be issued after 30 days from the last day in attendance.
    • Fees are due weekly regardless of attendance

    Registration Fee

    Enrolling in EDEP, a nonrefundable annual registration fee of $25.00 per child, per school is due at registration. If a child withdraws from EDEP, a new registration fee will be charged.

    Late Pick-Up Fees

    Beginning at closing time, late pick-up fees will be charged. The rate is $15.00 per child for every 15 minutes you are late picking your child up. 

    Habitual tardiness (2 times) in picking up children will result in dismissal from the program. Parents must call the EDEP to notify staff of any extenuating circumstances. Pick up after 7:00pm will result in immediate dismissal.

    The clock from our sign out system will be used to determine the time.

    Financial Policies & Procedures

    * Payment of fees are due in ADVANCE, before the child attends. Fees are due no later than 10:00 a.m. Monday morning each week. Prepayment of services assures compliance with the Florida State Constitution (Article VII, Section 10) which requires tuition to be paid in advance of services.

    * Each Monday, after attendance a late payment fee of $10 will be added to all unpaid accounts. Partial payments will be assessed a late fee.

    * Two weeks of unpaid fees will result in dismissal from EDEP and your space forfeited to a family on the waitlist.

    * Families will be charged each week, regardless of attendance.

    * Fees will not be prorated for holidays or absences.

    * Make checks payable to EDEP. Include on the check your child’s name.

    * Post dated and temporary checks will not be accepted.

    * Accounts must be kept current regardless of custody issues.

    * Official School Board Receipts will be issued immediately upon payment. If receipts are not readily available, please contact the District EDEP Office 352-955-7766

    * It is School Board policy to use Envision Payment Solutions to electronically redeposit returned checks. This electronic redeposit and associated fees will be indicated on your bank statement in the ATM or electronic payment section. The recovery fees vary, but will be a minimum of $25. If you have questions regarding the electronic process, please call Envision Payment Solutions at 1-877-290-5460 or 770-709-3100.  Cash or online payments will be mandatory after a returned check.

    Income Tax Information

    It is the parents’ responsibility to retain receipts for IRS purposes. Please ask for and retain all receipts. The School Board of Alachua County Tax Identification Number is 59-6000500. Annual statements will be issued upon request for the current school year only. Tax records are available in the parent app.

    Arrival and Departure of Students

    No child will be released to anyone not authorized in writing by the custodial parent and listed on file. Persons on file, but not known by the staff, who are picking up children will be asked to show identification. We will release a child in accordance with the registration card.  Other dismissal procedures may be arranged, but must be in writing and listed on file.

    Program Activities

    The program will vary from school to school, according to the interests of the children and talents of the staff. All programs will include home-work and snack time, as well as recreational, academic, and enrichment activities.

    Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for active play.  Tennis shoes and a change of clothes are recommended.

    Notification of Absences

    If your child is at school but will be absent from EDEP, you must notify the school office or EDEP staff by 12:00 noon. If your child is absent from school, he/she will not be expected to attend EDEP and you will not need to call. Absences from the EDEP will be verified daily against the school absentee list. Children must be in school no later than noon to attend EDEP. A child absent from school MAY NOT attend EDEP.

    If a child attended school and is expected to come to the EDEP but is not present at roll call, the coordinator will make every effort to notify the parents. The call will alert parents that their child did not come to the EDEP and will determine where the child is expected to be.

    This policy is for the safety of the children attending the EDEP. It is important that you discuss with your children the importance of going to the program on days they are scheduled to attend, and that they know which days they are supposed to attend. This information must be given to the child’s classroom teacher. Any changes must be in writing and given to the teacher, as well as the EDEP staff.

    Your cooperation in implementing this policy is very important. It will allow the staff to identify children who mistakenly get on the bus to go home or go to a friend’s house without permission. Because this is a safety issue, parents who do not follow this policy will be asked to remove their children from the program after the third call to locate their child. Children who repeatedly “skip” EDEP and go elsewhere after school will also be dismissed from the program.


    The EDEP is not responsible for personal play items as they can be damaged, misplaced, or lost. All personal items should be left at home.


    Homework time is scheduled each day with the exception of Fridays. It is very difficult to determine when some children have homework. Therefore, you may wish to discuss with your child the procedure you would like to observe concerning homework.

    The EDEP staff is available to answer questions during this time. However, one-on-one tutoring is not available. Please encourage your child to work on homework during the scheduled time. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the parent to check homework for completion and accuracy.


    All staff members must meet established educational and experience requirements for the position held and participate in training. Each employee must undergo state and local criminal background checks and drug testing. All on-site coordinators are certified in CPR and First Aid. The program provides a staff: child ratio of 1:20, which is well below the maximum licensing standards.

    Emergencies and Illnesses

    In the event of a medical emergency, reasonable effort will be made to contact parents/guardians for specific instructions. If parent cannot be reached, the coordinator will take necessary action. The action on the part of the program personnel does not obligate the personnel or the school to assume financial responsibility for the treatment of the child. The EDEP does provide accident insurance for participants. Claim forms and instructions are provided by the On-Site Coordinator. If a child becomes ill while attending the EDEP, the child’s parents/guardians will be contacted to pick the child up from the program. Refusal to pick up your child promptly could result in dismissal from EDEP.


    EDEP personnel are not authorized to store or administer prescription medication and do not have access to medication stored in the school clinic. You are encouraged to ask your physician to prescribe dosage intervals that fall outside of EDEP hours. However, if the school nurse is still on campus during EDEP hours, EDEP may attempt to facilitate by delivering the student to the nurse for medication.

    Notification of Changes

    It is the parent's responsibility to notify the On-Site Coordinator if there are changes to the home address, phone numbers, custody arrangements, who may pick up the child (ren), etc.  To ensure that your child's records are kept up-to-date, it is extremely important that you immediately notify the On-Site Coordinator of any changes.  Emergency Phone numbers must be kept current.  A local phone number must be provided. Long distance calling is not available.

    Changes at home should be communicated so that staff will be prepared to deal with any changes in behavior.

    Parent Communication

    Daily contact between parents and teachers is an important part of the program. By sharing information concerning your child’s activities and welfare, we can work together to better meet the child’s needs. It is extremely important that any change in address, emergency numbers, etc. be kept current.

    Newsletters are sent home as needed to keep parents informed of upcoming events, programs activities, and health and safety issues. Conferences with the EDEP staff can be arranged by the parent or staff as needed. Family members are encouraged to visit the program and share their special talents, skills, or experiences with the children.  However, according to state law all school volunteers, including parents must complete a volunteer application, receive an orientation, and be cleared through the FDLE Sexual Predator Registry before they can begin to volunteer.  Completion of these steps can be done at the school site or in the School Volunteer Office.

    Discipline Policy

    All children in the EDEP will be expected and required to follow the Code of Student Conduct, EDEP rules, and any individual school rules. The School Board of Alachua County reserves the right to dismiss any child from the EDEP for repeated, disruptive behavior. Parents must remember that their child’s participation in EDEP is a privilege, not a right.

    EDEP Program Rules

    1. Always walk in the cafeteria or hallways.
    2. Leaders will be obeyed at all times.
    3. Children will stay with leaders at all times.
    4. Good sportsmanship and fair play will be displayed at all times.
    5. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
    6. Respect other people and their belongings and the school building.

    Please discuss these rules with your children and make sure they are understood.

    Discipline Action

    The steps listed below will be followed by the EDEP staff in the event of a disciplinary problem.

    1. Child will be given a warning.
    2. Child will be placed in time out.
    3. Conduct report will be written, which the parent must sign and return. Failure to sign form may result in dismissal. The conduct report may include being suspended from EDEP up to one week.
    4. When two conduct reports have been written a child may be dismissed or a parent conference may be requested. Refusal to attend conference will result in dismissal.
    5. At parent conference, child may be suspended for days, weeks, or permanently, depending on the severity of the behavior.
    6. Child may be permanently dismissed from any EDEP program.
    7. A child dismissed from one program will not be allowed to attend another program.

    Dismissal from EDEP

    The EDEP reserves the right to refuse service for the following reasons:

    1. Failure of parent or child to follow EDEP policies, procedures, or rules.
    2. Two written conduct reports or serious misbehavior that warrants immediate dismissal. (Children leaving supervised area will result in immediate dismissal)
    3. Parents or children are physically or verbally abusive to staff.
    4. Failure to utilize bathroom facilities. (Two times.)
    5. Failure to pay fees as scheduled. (One week late.)
    6. Failure to provide updated information and records.
    7. Failure to notify staff if child will be absent from EDEP. (Three times)
    8. Failure to adhere to closing time. (Two times.) Pick up after 7:00pm will result in immediate dismissal.

    The EDEP on-site coordinator and/or principal have the authority to suspend or remove a participant without warning  if  the misbehavior or incident warrants.

    EDEP Parent Acknowledgement Form

    Alachua County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (gender), marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or legally-protected characteristics in its educational programs and activities.  The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

    For Students

    Jennifer Taylor, Guidance/Student Support Supervisor

    620 East University Avenue

    Gainesville, FL32601


    For Employees


    620 East University Avenue

    Gainesville, FL32601

    352-955-7654, ext 222

    The parent of a student with a disability who wishes to enroll the student in EDEP must contact the EDEP on-site coordinator at the school to provide information about the child's disability.  The parent may contact the on-site coordinator using the EDEP Request for Accommodation Form.  A committee, which includes the parents, will be convened to determine the child’s need for reasonable accommodations in order to participate in EDEP.

    For any concerns regarding the committee’s determination or to appeal the decision of the committee, contact  Director of Elementary Curriculum, at 352-955-7444.